Sunday Celebration Service - Annual Meeting - part one

The first part of the annual meeting is to be held this Sunday, April 21, 2024, woven into end of the Sunday Celebration Service. 

Rev. Larry Schellink will the guest speaker for both sections of the Annual Meeting.  On both dates, the service and the annual meeting will be held live in the sanctuary with an abbreviated service, a short intermission, and then the business sections of the meeting.

 During part one, held Sunday, April 21st, the traditional portions of the Annual Meeting will occur with the approval of the prior year’s minutes, the president’s address, induction of new members, the Treasurer’s report, and the election of new Trustees.  Please note, that we will be taking nominations from the floor for the Board of Trustee positions.  We are currently looking for three or four Trustees.

During part two, to be held on May 19th, we will be focusing on finances and solutions for sustainability as we grow in new directions. The Annual Picnic will follow part two of the annual meeting.