Inside the February 7th Edition of the IN-UNISON Newsletter
Cover - Upcoming guest speaker Stephan Plummer brings us the Music, Meditation, and the Message, "TRUST."
Page 2 - Prayer Chaplain Rev. Eva McGinnis shares an affirmative prayer of Rev. Judith Coates and Rev. Eva McGinnis are honored.
Page 3 - The DailyWORD, "Grace" and "Thank you for our daily bread" appreciation of those that prepare our Sunday meals.
Page 4 - "A Special Thank You" to Rev. Bill Evans and a class offered by Dr. Bill.
Page 5 - Unity Basics class information and Olympic Theater Arts production opens this weekend.
Page 6 - February's "Divine" article plus links to Unity Worldwide Ministries and Unity Northwest Region resources.Page 4
Page 7 - The last-minute message change from the service on February 4, 2024, "What Might Happen," with guest speaker Dr. Bill Evans.
Page 8 - Upcoming Events and Unity in the Olympics Resource information.
To read and/or download this week's edition of the IN-UNISON click here: