Prayer Chaplain Spiritual Care

Once a month, Unity in the Olympics' Prayer Chaplains come together on ZOOM to support each other in prayer. Utilizing Jack Boland's Master Mind™ Principle, you combine your own strength with that of at least one other person – as well as that of a Higher Power. The principle is based on an ancient premise that the combined energies of two or more like-minded persons is many times greater than the sum of the individual energies involved.


  The Master Mind™ Principle also teaches that other like-minded individuals can believe for you – AND ACCEPT AS TRUE FOR YOU – things you may find difficult to conceive or believe for yourself.

 The Master Mind Principle is a method of focusing the power of thought to keep you moving forward. 
This is a practical and powerful process to pray with others and hold yourself accountable in ways that will create positive changes in your life.

  Master Mind groups have been around for centuries. Many people attribute the popularity of the principle to Napoleon Hill’s class book “Think and Grow Rich.” Hill studied the richest men of the early 1900s and wrote the book as part of his research. One of the common practices was that they all took part in a Master Mind process, helping each other solve problems and move forward in their goals. In fact, Carnegie told Hill that his success was due entirely to this process. 

Rev. Jack Boland, the founder of Renaissance Unity in Detroit, MI, is credited with bringing this principle to Unity and creating the Master Mind Journals.

To join this group on ZOOM, go to


1.   Surrendering---I admit that I am personally powerless to improve my life, I need help.

2.   Believing---I now come to believe that there is a creative intelligence and power responding to me, and to which all things are possible....[It is not I (personality), but the Spirit within me (individuality) who does His works.]

3.   Deciding---I make a decision to place myself completely under the influence and direction of the Master Mind.  I ask the Master Mind to take complete charge of my life, and to change me at depth.

4.   Releasing---To establish my conscious contact, I get honest with myself as never before, willingly admitting and releasing all mistaken judgments and negative emotions that I have directed toward myself or others.

5.   Asking---I speak directly to the Master Mind about any problem area, healing need, or special project in my life, asking for help and guidance.

[Each participant should have the opportunity to speak their request for prayer support from the group.  Another member of the group can then affirm that request with the participant.  As an example, “I affirm with you, your request for ----; the perfect response is forming now and you are blessed by this gift in Spirit.”]

6.   Gratefully Receiving---I give thanks that the Master Mind has responded to my every need and that my life has dramatically changed.

7.   Dedication and Covenant---I now have a covenant with the Master Mind and I go out into my life with a spirit of enthusiasm, excitement, and expectancy.  It is agreed that the Master Mind shall supply me with an abundance of all things necessary to fulfill my every need, without me making any of these things the object of my existence.  I am at peace.